Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a $50 gift card!

[vc_btn title=»Download» color=»green» link=»url:https%3A%2F%2Farticulos.elclasificado.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F01%2FvalentineECC.png|||»]

Write a FREE Valentine’s Day greeting to a loved one and you could win a $50 gift card! Simply submit the form below with your greetings and we will publish them on 2/14/2018 in the EC Classifieds magazine.

Winners will be announced on February 14th, 2018!

Deadline to submit entries will be February 7th at noon.

[gravityform id=»57″ title=»false» description=»true»]

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